Monday, September 21, 2009

The Coffee Rush-Chandler, AZ

There are a lot of people here, which 10 years ago would be a sign that this place knows how to do coffee, but today leaves me suspect, particularly in light of the great leap in coffee knowledge the industry has jumped to. Right when I open the door I have a sinking feeling that this place, despite their logo "better coffee, better rush", that this place exists for those who like the idea of coffee-they love to hold the cup of caffeine, they love to wake up, they love sugar-and not for those who really love coffee. This place is the 7-11 of the Phoenix coffee scene. They boast of "locally roasted espresso" which doesn't matter at all if its a blend/single origin that actually tastes similar to a dirty ashtray. Whether you roast it under the counter or in Guam, what matters is that the espresso is in your hopper at the peak date, and that it is roasted to feature the hand-picked qualities of the beans involved (espresso blending is for the master roasters among us who know the nuances of the beans they use, when each bean varietal is at its peak roast level, which beans to combined into the mix, or even whether a single origin should be used). This shop can have their 34 flavors, and the droves of uneducated customers...I am leaving for the love of the coffee. I'll be "rushing" out as quickly as I came.

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