Today I visited Spro Coffee, and felt my soul leap from my chest into the upper chambers of my throat, only to return later, and with it coffee from Counter Culture: Michiche via a 3 Group Linea, as well as a gleeful cup of Costa Rican Coope Dota by Ecco Cafe, via chemex. Both smiled me. :) Spro offers coffees from several roasters, all hand-brewed with the barista's chosen brew method for that specific coffee. Its good to see the industry going toward offering multiple brew methods for coffee, as its good to see baristas who care enough about coffees to learn through which method a coffee tastes best. Coffee does have many faces, and not all coffees are best through a press, like many home brewers believe. There are so many exciting coffees out there these days, and so many brew methods to suit different beans. We must grow to appreciate our coffees' characteristic differences from different methods. It can seem scary to approach a new method without proper instruction, however there is a world wide web of information out there...alas! Some call it "the world wide web." Interesting. Check out
BrewMethods.com for detailed instruction on different brew methods, directly from some of the country's leading coffee companies. Enjoy!